ring motor for ball mill

EnergyEfficient Technologies in Cement Grinding | IntechOpen

EnergyEfficient Technologies in Cement Grinding | IntechOpen

Multicompartment ball mills are relatively inefficient at size reduction and have high specific energy consumption (kWh/t). Typical specific energy consumption is 30 kWh/t in grinding of cement. ... Type of motor: Slip ring: Installed motor power (kW) 2500: Mill shell speed (rpm) : Table 3. Design parameters of the Horomill®.

SAG Mill Variable Speed Drive 911 Metallurgist

SAG Mill Variable Speed Drive 911 Metallurgist

Gearless or ring motor drives; Twin CCV or Cycloconverter; ... (40,000 stpd) semiautogenous ball mill circuit treating a copper porphyry ore. Capital costs were developed for the above two fixed speed drives and for the five variable speed drives that have been described. They include costs of the entire grinding section including mills, drives ...

LV Ball Mill Solutions | Benshaw Inc.

LV Ball Mill Solutions | Benshaw Inc.

The variable frequency drive powers the 4160Volt 3500HP synchronous ball mill motor during positioning to smoothly rotate the ball mill and bring it to the proper position for maintenance. The customer's previous system utilized multiple DC contactors and a motorized cam switch to position the mill. The speed of motor rotation was fixed ...

Ball mill installation| Henan Deya Machinery Co., Ltd.

Ball mill installation| Henan Deya Machinery Co., Ltd.

The installation method and sequence for all types of ball mills are roughly the same. To ensure smooth operation of the ball mill and to reduce the risk to the building, the ball mill must be installed on a reinforced concrete foundation of to 3 times of its weight. The foundation should be laid on solid soil and should be at least 4050 ...

Making remote mines and low ore grades economical and shifting to ...

Making remote mines and low ore grades economical and shifting to ...

Larger ball and SAG mills, with higher installed power ratings relative to the mill diameter, offer higher efficiency and throughput, roundtheclock reliability and the opportunity to mine in remote areas. ... Water and moisture ingress can potentially be a significant issue in ring motors, especially at sites with high levels of precipitation ...



The first finish ball mill driven by a wraparound motor has been put into operation in 1969 in Le Havre, France. The cement output is rated at 200 MTPH and the motor rating is 8700 HP (metric HP), equal to 6400 kW at 15 RPM. ... Table lists the most important data of the ball mills worldwide which are driven by ring motors . Previous ...

Ball Mill Drives 911 Metallurgist

Ball Mill Drives 911 Metallurgist

DIRECT CONNECTED Ball Mill DRIVE. When power exceeds 300 HP a direct connected drive is recommended. This drive is also applicable for lower power requirements if desired. Synchronous motors are preferred, but in some cases wound rotor motors may be used. Motor speeds will vary from 225 rpm to 450 rpm.

Motor with slip ring All industrial manufacturers DirectIndustry

Motor with slip ring All industrial manufacturers DirectIndustry

AC motor IC 01, 213,8kV. asynchronous 690 V with slip ring. Power: 200 kW 10,000 kW. Torque: 1,000 Nm 100,000 Nm. Rotational speed: 300 rpm 1,800 rpm. Modular Slip Ring Motors of the MENZEL MEBSSD Series Flexible and Robust Voltage ratings: 2 up kV Mounting: IM B3 for horizontal installation IM V1 for vertical installation ...

PDF Benefits of continuous data acquisition from critical large drive ...

PDF Benefits of continuous data acquisition from critical large drive ...

Induction Motors [2]. Figure 3 shows a ball mill with a dual pinion drive 2x 6500 kW with low speed induction motors (LSIM). The dual pinion drives demand tight tolerances in the torque between the two motors [2] to dynamically equalize the load on both pinions so that, in the long run, their duration is secured and the system availability

Jrkw Wound Rotor Slip Ring Motor Ball Mill Motor

Jrkw Wound Rotor Slip Ring Motor Ball Mill Motor

JR series ball mill motor windings have high mechanical strength and improve the insulation level of the motor. The slip ring and carbon brush device of the motor are placed outside the end cover, which can effectively prevent carbon dust from contaminating the coil, and at the same time, it is easy to replace and repair.

6kv/10kv Jr Series High Voltage Wound Rotor Slip Ring Motor Ball Mill ...

6kv/10kv Jr Series High Voltage Wound Rotor Slip Ring Motor Ball Mill ...

The JR winding slip ring motor is designed for use with ball mills. This type of motor optimizes the product structure and is a new product that improves process design, maximizing the use of mill equipment. The mechanical strength of the JR series ball mill motor winding is high, which improves the insulation level of the motor.

PDF Gearless mill drives ABB

PDF Gearless mill drives ABB

The poles of the gearless or synchronous motor (also called wraparound motor or ring motor) are directly installed on the pole flange of the mill shell, turning the mill body into the rotor. The stator is then wrapped around the mill. The gearless motor is fed by a cycloconverter which has a rated output frequency of around 5 Hz for the GMD drive.

Construction of Ball Mill | Henan Deya Machinery Co., Ltd.

Construction of Ball Mill | Henan Deya Machinery Co., Ltd.

Ball mill introduction. Structurally, each ball mill consists of a horizontal cylindrical shell, provided with renewable wearing liners and a charge of grinding medium. The drum is supported so as to rotate on its axis on hollow trunnions attached to the end walls (attached figure 1 ball mill). The diameter of the mill determines the pressure ...

Replacing slipring with induction motor | Electrician Talk

Replacing slipring with induction motor | Electrician Talk

JRaef said: It may not be as simple as a 1:1 HP replacement, you really have to analyze the torquespeed requirements of the Ball Mill before making that decision. A VFD on a standard induction motor is good at making sure the motor can supply a CONSTANT level of torque regardless of speed. But WR motors are capable of providing higher than ...

Liquid Resistance Starters | PulseTech

Liquid Resistance Starters | PulseTech

Wound Rotor Motor starters for SAG mills, Ball mills and other types of grinding mills. SlipRing motor starters for iron ore and coal conveyor application. Secondary motor starters for high inertia fan applications. Wound Rotor Induction Motor (WRIM) starters for Shredder application in metal recycling plants. SlipRing motor starter for water ...

PDF Autogenous mills, semiautogenous mills and ball mills for ... Polysius

PDF Autogenous mills, semiautogenous mills and ball mills for ... Polysius

part inventory. If required, ring motor drives can be fitted to shellsupported grinding mills up to the largest sizes. SAG/ball mill circuit incorporating pebble crushers and a POLYCOM® highpressure grinding roll. SAG and ball mill for gold ore grinding. One of three SAG mills with m diameter and 2 x 4000 kW drive power. These mills

Ring gear drives huge grinding mill | Machine Design

Ring gear drives huge grinding mill | Machine Design

By this summer, a grinding mill that is bigger around than a Boeing 747 will turn chunks of copper ore into gravelsized bits for smelting and refining. The largest ring gear ...

Trunnion Bearing Assembly Ball Mill Rod Mill 911 Metallurgist

Trunnion Bearing Assembly Ball Mill Rod Mill 911 Metallurgist

Ball Mill PINION SHAFT BEARINGS. Pinion shaft bearings are of the SKF antifriction type mounted in a common twin bearing assembly. Bearings are fixed in place so that the pinion shaft of the mill is always in alignment with the drive components. Vbelt driven mills are furnished with an outboard bearing of similar construction.

Planetary Ball Mill PM 100 RETSCH highest fineness

Planetary Ball Mill PM 100 RETSCH highest fineness

The Planetary Ball Mill PM 100 is a powerful benchtop model with a single grinding station and an easytouse counterweight which compensates masses up to 8 kg. It allows for grinding up to 220 ml sample material per batch. The extremely high centrifugal forces of Planetary Ball Mills result in very high pulverization energy and therefore short ...

(PDF) Dynamic Analysis for Ball Mill Foundations ResearchGate

(PDF) Dynamic Analysis for Ball Mill Foundations ResearchGate

DS = 2/3 ms = g and D1 = 2/3 S m1 T = S D1/ SDS = sec, T S S D1DS. sec, long period transition period TL = sec. Based on these parameters, the response. spectrum is formed ...

China Custom Jr Series Wound Rotor Slip Ring Motor Ball Mill Motor ...

China Custom Jr Series Wound Rotor Slip Ring Motor Ball Mill Motor ...

YRQ series ball mill motor windings have high mechanical strength and improve the insulation level of the motor. The slip ring and carbon brush device of the motor are placed outside the end cover, which can effectively prevent carbon dust from contaminating the coil, and at the same time, it is easy to replace and repair.

Advantages and Applications of Slip Ring Induction Motors

Advantages and Applications of Slip Ring Induction Motors

Slipring induction motor has the advantages of high efficiency, energy saving, low noise, low vibration, safe and reliable operation, easy installation and maintenance, etc. It can be used for various motors of general purpose, such as ball mill, fan, compressor, pump, crusher, cutting machine, transportation machinery and other original motors.

WEG supplies motor for ball mill in mining plant in Argentina

WEG supplies motor for ball mill in mining plant in Argentina

With efficient solutions in the mining sector, WEG supplied a slip ring motor from the M Mining line, frame 560, 1,300 kW, 3,300 V, 4 poles, 50 Hz to drive the ball mill of a mining company in Argentina. The applied motor makes the process more efficient, ensuring greater operational security, in addition to having simple and reduced maintenance.

What's the Difference Between Ball Mill, Rod Mill and SAG Mill?

What's the Difference Between Ball Mill, Rod Mill and SAG Mill?

Ball mill: Ball mills are the most widely used one. Rod mill: The rod mill has the highest efficiency when the feed size is <30mm and the discharge size is about 3mm with uniform particle size and light overcrushing phenomenon. SAG mill: When the weight of the SAG mill is more than 75%, the output is high and the energy consumption is low ...

Grinding Mill Foundations

Grinding Mill Foundations

This means that SAG mill foundations behave very differently from ball mill foundations. 4 Mill Designer Stiffness Criteria ... In the former, the aim is to stop excessive vibration in the foundations; in the latter, it is to make sure that the ring motor acts as a static structure. Mill design consultants produce stiffness targets that are ...